Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

More cool guns rolled in over the weekend! 03/06

We got in some cool stuff over the weekend! Check em out!

USED- Armalite, AR-30, .308win, Bipod, 2-Mags- $1,600 +Tax

USED- Arm Sport, mod. 2797, O/U 12ga- $350 +Tax

USED- JC Higgins, Mod 29, .22lr, Scope- $200 +Tax

USED- Mossberg, 183D-A, .410ga- $225 +Tax

USED- Winchester 1400 Ranger, 12ga, 2-barrels- $350 +Tax

USED- CAI, Cetme Sporter 308, .308Win, Pic Rail, 26-Mags- $1,000 +Tax

Open Mon-Fri 11a-5:30p

Call, Message, or stop by!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

We got a handful of Black Powder Revolvers in! 03/03

We got in some New old stock black powder Revolvers, many of these guns are 25 years old and have never been fired!

2x- Armi San Marco, 1861 Navy Steel Frame, .44cal- $325 +Tax

2x- Armi San Marco, 1851 Navy Brass Frame, .44cal- $325 +Tax

1x- Armi San Marco, 1851 Navy Steel Frame, .44cal- $325 +Tax

2x- Armi San Marco, 1860 Army Steel Frame, .44cal- $325 +Tax

1x- Traditions, 1847 Colt Walker, .44cal- SOLD

1x- Traditions, 1847 Colt Walker, .44cal- SOLD

2x- Uberti, 1873 Cattleman, .44cal- $400 +Tax

Federally These are not considered firearms, so no background check is required, although they are firearms per the state of Michigan so felons cannot posses them.

Must be 18+ to purchase

Call, Message, or stop on in!

Open Mon-Fri 11a-5:30p

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman


We got our part of our Glock Stocking dealer order in!

We have WAAAAY too many Glocks so come buy some!

So for the month of March I’m giving a box of ammunition with the purchase of a GLOCK Pistol, Yes even USED ones! (Must be caliber pistol is in)

-Glocks we got in for the dealer buy-

Glock 17 Gen 5 MOS, 9mm- $620 +Tax

Glock 47 Gen 5 MOS, 9mm- $620 +Tax

Glock 19 Gen 5 MOS, 9mm- $620 +Tax

Glock 48 MOS, 9mm- $485 +Tax

Glock 43x, 9mm- $448 +Tax

Glock 20 Gen 4, 10mm- $579 +Tax

We have a TON more in stock

We also got in a bunch of Holsters, and Extra Glock magazines

Glock 19, 17, and 22 mags- $25 +Tax

MFT Hybrid holster for Sig P365, Glock 43/43X, and Glock 19,23,44- $59.99 +Tax

Bravo concealment OWB for Glocks, and 1911, along with an IWB light bearing Glock holster- $27.99 +Tax

Raven Concealment, Vanguard for Glock with Surefire X300U- $54.99 +Tax

Ballistic Advantage 16” 5.56 barrels, 2- M4 gov cut 1/7, 1- 16” HBAR 1/7- $152 +Tax

Magpul Armorers Wrench- $75 +Tax

Call, Message, Or stop on in!

Open Mon-Fri 11a-5:30p

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

IT’S FRIDAY! 02/24

We got in a bunch of great guns!


USED- Benelli, Super Nova, 12ga 3.5”, Camo with Turkey Choke- $550 +Tax

NEW- Ruger, SFAR, .308win, 16.1”- $1,200 +Tax


NEW- Springfield Armory Prodigy, 1911DS. 9mm- $1,400 +Tax

USED- CZ 75B, 9MM, Cold War Commemorative, 6 mags, holster- $850 +Tax

USED- Smith & Wesson M&P40, .40S&W- $400 +Tax

USED- Smith & Wesson, SW40VE, .40S&W, Soft case- $350 +Tax

USED- Smith & Wesson, SD9VE, 9mm, 3 mags, holster- $325 +Tax

USED- Beretta, Pico, .380acp, 3 mags, soft case, partial box of ammo- $350 +Tax

We have MANY MANY More guns in stock!

Call, Message, Or stop by!

Open Mon-Fri 11a-5:30p

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman


We got in a bunch of new cool things this past week!


We got in several brands and grain weights of .30-30win, .30-06spg, .270win, .243win, .44mag, and .38spl.


We got in A LOT of bayonets and Fighting knives, some original and some reproduction ones. Everything from Springfield, Mauser, M1 carbine, AK, and M16’s along with some K-bars, and trench knives.


We got in a Used Hornady Lock-n-Load AP press with case feeder, and bullet feeder with a lot of extras.- $1,200 +Tax

Long Guns:

NEW- Mossberg 510, 20ga mini shotgun, has stock spacers to lengthen- $415 +Tax

USED- Yugo Mauser M48A, 8x57, All matching, good bore- $500 +Tax

USED- Yugo Mauser m24/47, 8x57, mostly matching, force matched in ATI sporter stock with Burris long eye relief scope, all OG parts come with it- $400 +Tax

USED- H&R Ultra Rifle, .204Rug, Nikon Scope, bipod- $400 +Tax


NEW- UTAS USA, UT9-M, 9x19, Takes glock mags- $650 +Tax

We get a lot of things rolling in daily, and many times do not get them listed before they sell.

Swing in, call or message us!

Open Mon-Fri 11a-5:30p

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

More awesome guns coming in! 02/16

We got in some more guns!


USED- Springfield XDS, .45acp, holster 4 mags- $400 +Tax

USED- Smith & Wesson Shield, 9mm, holster, 3 mags- $300 +Tax

USED- CZ Scorpion Evo 3, 9mm, 2 mags, Brace- $700 +Tax

NEW- Glock 17 Gen 1 Classic , 9x19, Commemorative Collectors edition- $600 +Tax


USED- Ruger M77, .338Win-Mag, 2-boxes of ammo, reloading dies- $1,300 +Tax

USED- Weatherby MK V, .270WbyMag, Weatherby Scope, 94rds of ammo, brass- $2,000 +Tax

Open Mon-Fri 11a-5:30p

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

Few more things this week!

Couple more guns and some ammo showed up!

USED- I.O. Inc Sporter AKM pattern rifle, 7.62x39, one magazine, optics mount, and optic- SOLD

USED- Mossberg 500C, 20ga 3” youth stock-$400 +Tax

USED- Stevens/Savage 311E, 20ga 3”- SOLD

Winchester 62gr M855 5.56 200rd boes- $140 +Tax

Open Monday-Fri 11a-5:30p

Call, Message, Or stop by!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

New stuff rolling in daily!

We’ve got some more guns in!


USED- H&R M1 Garand, .30-06, ALL parts are H&R marked, bore is in excellent condition and gauges at .3005” this is a true collectors rifle, comes with Sling- SOLD

USED- Savage No.4 Mk.1 Enfield, .303Brit, comes with bayonet and is U.S. Property marked,- SOLD


USED- Walther CCP, 9mm- $400 +Tax

USED- Remington R1 UltraLight Executive 1911 3.5”, .45acp, has holster, 2 mags, and two sets of grips, Night Sights and other internals- $1,200 +Tax

USED- Springfield XDS Mod 2, 9mm, with 4 mags- SOLD

USED- Beretta 92FS, 9mm, Crimson trace laser grips- SOLD

NEW- Smith & Wesson M&P Shield 2.0 Performance Center, 9mm, with cleaning kit- $539 +Tax

Call, Message, or stop on in!

Open Mon-Fri 11A-5:30P

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

More guns keep rollin’ in!

We got in some more new, and used guns today!


USED- CAI/ Tula M91/30 Mosin Nagant, 7.62x54r- 1938r, Great Bore -SOLD

USED- H&R 1871, 12GA 3” Fully rifled- $300 +Tax

USED- Japanese Type-99 Arisaka, 7.7x58, Sporterized Ground Mum- $250 +Tax

USED- Japanese Type-44 6.5x50, Sporterized, Chromed, Intact Mum- $300 +Tax

USED- Winchester 1894, .32spl Comes with ammo- $1,500 +Tax


NEW- Glock 47 MOS, 9mm- $620 +Tax (2 Available)

Open Mon-Fri 11a-5:30p

Call, Message, Or stop by!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

More Brand NEW firearms came in!

We got in some BRAND NEW firearms and a couple cases of PPU .30-06 SP for $25 per box of 20.


NEW- Springfield Armory M1A Loaded, 7.62Nato/.308Win, 22” SKU: MA9222 - SOLD


NEW- Ballistic Advantage DCP3, Stripped AR15 Lower- $99 +Tax (10 available)


NEW- Ruger Wrangler, .22lr Burnt Bronze - $230 +Tax

NEW- Springfield Armory Hellcat OSP, 9mm- $575 +Tax

NEW- Glock 19X, 9mm FDE- SOLD

Call, Message, Or stop in!

Open Mon-Fri 11a-5:30p

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

We have too many AR’s! 1/26

We have too many AR’s and we want them sold!

Purchase any of these 5.56/.223 rifles listed and get 60rds of ammo for FREE!

Buy the AR10 and get 40rds of 7.62/.308 for FREE!

Smith & Wesson is offering a rebate on new firearms purchased between January 15th and April 2nd of 2023. We have posted the information below.


USED- Bushmaster XM-15E2, 5.56nato, Comes with soft case, some ammo, and sling- $800 +Tax

USED- S&W M&P-15, 5.56nato- $800 +Tax

USED- Armalite M15A4, 5.56nato- $1,000 +Tax

USED- Ruger AR556, 5.56Nato, Vortex Strike eagle 1-8, Grip, bipod- $1,200 +Tax

USED- Aero Precision X15, 5.56Nato, Bushnell RedDot- $1,200 +Tax

USED- DSA ZF4, 5.56Nato, Bushnell AR 1-4x scope- $800 +Tax

NEW- Smith & Wesson M&P-15 Sport II, 5.56Nato- SOLD


NEW- Smith & Wesson M&P-10, .308/7.62 -SOLD

Call, Message, or swing in!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

New Guns for 01/24!

We got in more USED and NEW firearms this week, some of these wont stick around long!

Long Guns:

USED- Swiss K31, 7.5x55, W/ Bayonet- SOLD

USED- Enfield No4 Mk1 (F) FRT, .303Brit- $530 +Tax

USED- Husqvarna M38, 6.5x55 Swedish Mauser mfg 1941- SOLD

USED- Plainfield Machine M1 Carbine, .30Carb, 8 mags, leather scabbard, and sling- SOLD

USED- Norinco SKS, 7.62x39 w/ scope- $500 +Tax

USED- Steyr K98, 8x57, Sporterized, 660 Code mfg 1940- $500 +Tax

USED- Japanese Type-38 Arisaka, 6.5x50, Heavily sporterized, Mum intact- $200 +Tax

USED- Remington Model 8, .30Rem w/Ammo- SOLD

USED- Yugo/CAI M70AB2, 7.62x39 Comes with tons of extras- Hard case, 19 Mags, Ultimak Rail, ALG AKT trigger, KNS ADJ gas piston, SI Muzzle Brake, Midwest Rail with grip, RS Regulates Light Mount- $1,500 +Tax

USED- Remington 721, .30-06, w/ Rings and Bases- $500 +Tax

USED- Baikal IZH-43E-1C, 20ga SxS 26” Thread in chokes- $500

USED- Baikal/Remington Spartan SPR-100, 12ga. Gun has been modified for a kid for Trap shooting, and has been magna-ported- $200 +Tax

NEW- Ruger American Predator, .223rem. Takes STANAG Mags, comes w/ a Vortex Crossfire 4-12- $725 +Tax


USED- Russian/R-Guns 1895 Nagant Revolver, 7.62x38r, W/ Holster a some ammo- SOLD

USED- E. German Makarov, 9x18, W/ Holster and 2 Mags- $700

We also have a pile of AR15 rifles and MANY MANY more guns in stock.

Call, Message, or swing in!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

New consignments for 01/16

We got in a few more consignments rifles!

USED- Ruger AR556, 5.56nato with Vortex 1-8, grip, bipod. -$1,200+Tax

USED- IWI X95 Tavor, 5.56 -SOLD

USED- Smith & Wesson M&P-15, 5.56nato-$800+tax

USED- Savage No4 MK1 Enfield, .303Brit with Bayonet and sling-$500+tax

USED- Russian Mosin Nagant M91/30, 7.62x54r, Sling, bayonet 1943- $500+Tax

We’re open Mon-Fri 11a-5:30p


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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

More Guns!! 01/12

Got more New guns in stock!

We’ve got .45ACP for $25 per box of 50, and 5.56 M855 62gr for $12 per box of 20

NEW- Sig Sauer P365 Macro, 9mm- $799+Tax

NEW- Sig Sauer P365X, 9mm- $599+Tax

NEW- Glock 19MOS Gen 5, 9mm- $635+Tax

NEW- Mossberg 590A1, 12ga- $789+Tax

NEW- H&K MP5 Rifle, .22lr- SOLD

NEW- Winchester SXP Hybrid Hunter, 12ga- $400+Tax

USED- Browning BPS, 20ga- SOLD

Open Mon-Fri 11a-5:30p

Call, Message Or stop in!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

“New” Consignment guns for the New Year!

We’ve gotten a pile of New “Used” guns this week, some pretty scarce and sought after ones that wont last long!

Long Guns:

USED- Springfield M1A, 7.62x51/.308win, 22”, 8-Mags, case, Scope Mount- SOLD

USED- Winchester 94, .30-30 with sling and scope-$600+Tax

USED- Savage/Steven 9478, 12ga-$200+Tax

USED- Winchester Model 70 Super Grade, .338WinMag (Very Mint) -$1,300+Tax

USED- Kel-Tec KSG, 12ga -$660+Tax

USED- CVA Wolf, .50cal muzzle loader -$250+Tax

USED- Benelli Nova, 12ga -$450+Tax

USED- Marlin Model 60, .22lr -$200+tax

USED- S&W M&P-15 Sport, 5.56 -$600+Tax

USED- Remington 887, 12ga -$400+Tax


USED- Mauser C96 “Broom handle”, 7.63Mauser, has Holster/Stock clips and ammunition (All Matching, MINT Condition)- SOLD

USED- Springfield XDS, 9mm With Extras- $425+Tax

USED- Springfield XDS, .40S&W- $400+Tax

USED- Taurus 85, .38spl- $350+Tax

USED- S&W 642PD Airweight, .38spl+P -$360+Tax

USED- Ruger LCP, .380acp -$240+Tax

USED- Beretta PX4 Storm, .40S&W, Stainless- $500+Tax

USED- Beretta PX4 Storm, 9mm- $400+Tax

USED- Springfield 1911-A1, .45acp- $650+Tax

USED- Remington R1, .45acp- $750+Tax

USED- Colt Rail Gun, .45acp- $1,100+Tax

Open Mon-Fri 11a-5:30P

Call, Message, or stop in!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

Last post of the year! 12/30

Got a few more “USED” long guns in!

And 1,000rd cases of 115gr 9mm for $320+Tax. That’s $16 per box!

USED-Remington 700 SPS Tactical, .308Win, Rings, bubble level, bipod, sling-SOLD

Used-Remington 760 Gamemaster, .30-06 w/ Simmons 3-9x50 scope-SOLD

USED- S&W M&P-15-22, .22Lr, Magpul grip, stock and sights, one mag-SOLD

USED- Stoeger Coachgun, .410ga -SOLD

Open Mon-Fri 11a-5:30p

Call, Message or stop in!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

USED guns for 12/26

We’re open Today Monday, December 26th! Come see what we just got in!

USED- G-Force Arms GF25 12ga, 2-mags-$280+Tax

USED- Remington 721, .270 w/scope and sling- $525+Tax

USED- Polytech/Norinco Hunter, 7.62x39-$900+Tax

USED-Ruger No1 Tropical, .45-70 w/ Leupold Vari-X-III 3.5x10- $1,500+Tax

NEW-Ruger American Ranch, 7.62x39, takes Mini-30 mags-$550+Tax

Open Mon-Fri 11a-5:30p

Call, Message or stop by!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman


We got a handful of “New” Used firearms in this week!

USED-Remington Model 11, 12ga-$350+tax

USED-Browning A5 Light twelve, 12ga (Belgian Made)-$600+Tax

USED-Mossberg 500, 12ga-$420+Tax

USED-Wards Westernfield, 550ABD 12ga-$250+Tax

USED-Hi-Point M995, .40S&W, 2-mags, scope-$250+Tax

USED-Glock 42, .380acp-$350+Tax

USED-Glenfield Mod.25, .22lr-SOLD

USED-Savage MkII, .22lr-$250+Tax

USED-Savage Rascal, .22lr-$120+Tax

Call, Message, Or stop by! Open Mon-Fri 11a-5:30p

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

New stuff for 12/06!

We got in some new Handguns, and Long guns in store! Along with a pile of Surplus Romanian Steel 7.62x39 AK magazines.

Long Guns:

NEW-Savage MkII, .22lr threaded bull barrel, and gator skin stock-$299+tax

NEW-Ruger American, .350 Legend Go wild Camo -$599+Tax

NEW-Ruger 10/22 .22lr, Black synthetic stock, scope, and Hard Case- $395+tax

NEW-Ruger 10/22 .22lr, Go Wild Rock Star Camo, Soft case, Threaded Barrel-$350+tax


NEW-Ruger 10/22 Charger Lite, .22lr takedown, Threaded barrel-$599+Tax

NEW-Smith & Wesson 686 plus, .357Mag 7-shot SS-$949+Tax

NEW-Smith & Wesson Equilizer, 9mm Optics ready version of the Shield EZ-$499+Tax

NEW-Glock 19x, 9mm-$588+Tax

NEW-Bond Arms Stinger, 9mm Derringer-$275+Tax

AK Mags!

Steel Romanian Surplus 7.62x39 AK Mags -$15ea+Tax

We also have gift certificates available for Christmas!

Stop by, call, or message us!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

Spot light accessories 11/22

We have more than just guns!

Here’s some cool stuff that will make your weapon system stand out.

- Unity FAST Optic Riser, FDE & Black -$90+Tax

-Cloud Defensive Rein 2.0 Micro In ODG, this thing is pumping out 1,100 Lumans and 71,000 Candela. They won’t be able to see you if they’re blind. -$379.99+Tax

-Blueforce gear 1.25” Uloop universal sling loop, FDE & Black -$14.95+tax

-Blueforce Gear 3.25” Universal Wire loop, black- $27.95+Tax

-Arcane Concerted ArcBands, We have them in 2pk, and 5pk in ODG, FDE, and Black. 2pk-$12+Tax, 5pk-$24.50+tax. Use them to retain slings, wires, tourniquets and whatever else you can think of. All the cool kids are using them!

Open Mon-Fri 11a-5:30

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