Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

More new and used Firearms came in! Along with some 5.56 ammo! 06/20

Some NEW and USED Firearms came in! Along with some 5.56 ammo!

Long Guns:

NEW- Henry, H001, .22lr- $395 +Tax

NEW- Henry, H012CX Model-X, .45LC- $999 +Tax

USED- IMI/Action-Arms, Model A Uzi, 9mm- 6 Mags, Case, Scope mount, Leupold Vari-x II 4x scope- $2,000 +Tax

USED- Stevens/Savage, 820B, 12ga, 24” Savage Poly Choke- $299 +Tax

USED- Remington, Sportsman 58, 12ga, 28”- $350 +Tax

Hand Guns:

USED- Colt, Commander Model, .45acp, (LW Prefix, Late 50’s mfg, Original grips have shrunk which is common, 2 mags)- $925 +Tax

USED- H&K, USP, .40S&W, 2-mags, Holster- $600 +Tax

USED- Kimber, Ultra CDP II, .45ACP, 2-mags, Holster- $800 +Tax


20rd- PMC, X-Tac, 5.56 M193, 55gr FMJ- $11 +Tax

20rd- Armscor, M855 Green Tip, 5.56 62gr FMJ- $11 +Tax

Call, Message, Or stop by!

We’ve got so much more stuff than we can post!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

We got in some new handguns, and ammo! 06/14

We got some more handguns, and ammunition in!


NEW- Glock, 19X, 9mm- $588 +Tax

NEW- Taurus, 66, .357Mag, 6” SS- $500 +Tax

NEW- Taurus, 825, .38spl, 4”- $435 +Tax

NEW- Sig Sauer, P365XL Comp ROSE, 9mm- Comes with presentation box, and Vaultek pistol safe- $899.99 +Tax


New- Dead Air, Mask, .22LR/Magnum, .17, & 5.7x28- $439 +Tax (Does NOT include $200 Tax stamp)


20rd- Sig Sauer, Elite Defense V-Crown, 9mm 124gr JHP- $19 +Tax

50rd- S&B, SubSonic, 9mm 147gr FMJ- $23 +Tax

50rd- Ammo Inc, .357Mag 158gr TMC- $33 +Tax

20rd- Norma, WhiteTail, 7mm-08 150gr SP- $29 +Tax

20rd- Norma, TipStrike, .280Rem 160gr- $39 +Tax

20rd- Barnes, Precision Match, .260Rem 140gr OTM BT- $42 +Tax

Tons more ammo in stock, and more arriving all the time!


Open Mon-Fri 11a-5:30p

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

Lots of C&R guns in! 06/09

We got a handful of “new” C&R Military surplus rifles in stock! Along with some AR15s.


USED- Erma-Mauser, K98, 8x57, Sling (Code S/27, 1937, Signs of Romanian Use Post War)- $850 +Tax

USED- Mauser-Obendorf, K98, 8x57, (Code 42, 1940, Russian “Capture”)- $800 +Tax

USED- Japanes, Type-99 Arisaka, 7.7x58, (Later war Features, ground Mum)- $400 +Tax

USED- Japanese, Type-99 Arisaka, 7.7x58, (Earlier War features, Ground Mum)- $450 +Tax

USED- Lithgow, No1 Mk3 Enfield, .303Brit, (1941, Sling)- $750 +Tax

USED- Lithgow, No1 Mk3 Enfield, .303Brit, (1943, Sling)- $750 +Tax


USED- PSA, PA-15, 5.56 (Ruger AR556 upper, Never Fired, No mag)- $600 +Tax

USED- PSA, PA-15, 5.56 (Never Fired, No Mag)- $600 +Tax

USED- PSA, PA-15, 5.56 (Never Fired, No Mag)- $600 +Tax

USED- Ruger, AR556, 5.56 (Never Fired, No Mag)-$600 +Tax

Swing in and see what else we have!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

Guns, Targets, and ammo! 05/31

We got in more guns, some cools targets, and ammo!


20rd- Remington, HTP .357Mag, 158gr SJHP- $28 +Tax

20rd- Barnes Vor-tx, .41 RemMag, 180gr XPB HP- $31 +Tax

20rd- Hornady, Superformance Varmint, .22-250Rem, 50gr V-MAX- $30 +Tax

20rd- Hornady, Superformance, .25-06 Rem, 117gr SST- $39 +Tax

50rd- Sellier & Bellot, .380Auto, 92gr FMJ- $22 +Tax


USED- S&W, M&P10, 10mm 4”, Dawson Sights- $469 +Tax

NEW- Sig Sauer, P365X Macro, 9mm 3.7” Non-Compensated- $649 +Tax

NEW- Sig Sauer, P365X, 9mm 3.1”- $599.99 +Tax

USED- Ruger, SP101, .357Mag 4.1” Never fired- $750 +Tax

USED- Ruger, NM Super BlackHawk, .44Mag 5.5” Never fired- $850 +Tax

USED- Ruger, 22/45 MKIII, .22lr 5.5” Never Fired- $399 +Tax

USED- Ruger, SR1911, .45acp 5”- $650 +Tax

-Maglula, UpLULA mag loader- $34.95 +Tax


-Caldwell 3/8” AR500 Pepper Popper Auto Reset target- $95 +Tax

-Allen, EZ AIM, Paper Target stand- $18 +Tax

-BirchWood Casey, 2-in-1 steel gong hanger for 2x4 stand- $20 +Tax

Variety of shoot and see, and standard paper targets too!


Open Mon-Fri 11a-5:30p

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

More Guns & Surplus! 05/23

We got in more guns, ammunition and surplus!


20rd- Greek, 8x57 Mauser, Brass Cased, Corrosive- $14 +Tax

440rd- Hungarian, 7.62x54r, Heavy Ball 182gr Spam Can- $400 +Tax

440rd- Russian, 7.62x54r, Light Ball, 147gr Spam Can- $369 +Tax

440rd- Hungarian, 7.62x54r, Light Ball, 147gr Spam Can- $369 +Tax

25rd- Winchester, Super-X 20ga 2-3/4” 7.5#- $13 +Tax

-Russian Mosin Nagant ammo pouches- $5 +Tax


USED- Bond Arms, Cowboy, .22lr 3”, has Holster and Spare Grips- $450 +Tax

USED- Bond Arms, Texas Defender, 9mm 2”, has Holster and Spare Grips- $499 +Tax

USED- H&R, Defender, .38S&W 4”- $275 +Tax

USED- Rohm, RG10, .22 Short- $75 +Tax


USED- MML inc, MK-85, .50cal Muzzle Loader- $99 +Tax

USED- Marlin, 917V, .17HMR 22” HBAR- $289 +Tax

NEW- Remington, 770, 7mmRemMag- $350 +Tax

USED- Winchester, Mod 70 Classic Stainless, .338WM, Pillar Bedded Fiberglass stock, Control Feed- $900 +Tax

USED- FN, M1950, .30-06, Colombian Mauser Carbine 18”- $650 +Tax



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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman


We got in a pile of consignment guns, and a restock on Arcane Concerted Arcbands!


USED- Remington, 572 FieldMaster BDL, .22LR- $650 +Tax

USED- NEF, Handi Rifle SB2, .30-06- SOLD

USED- Mauser, K98, 8x57, Bausch & Lomb Balvar 8B Scope- $800 +Tax (Can’t believe I’m saying this.. it’s been nicely Sporterized and has engraving on the metal.)

USED- Winchester, 670A, .30-06, 3-9 Scope- $650 +Tax

USED- Winchester, 88, .308, Pre-64- $900 +Tax

USED- Mauser, 98, .25-06, 4x scope- $750 +Tax

USED- Interarms, MK X/Withworth Commercial 98 Mauser, .270win -SOLD

USED- Weatherby, MK V, .257WbyMag -$1,600 +Tax

USED- Colt/Sauer, Sporting Rifle, .30-06, 2x7 Vari-X II- $2,000 +Tax

USED- Savage, 11, .308win, 3-9 scope- $500 +Tax

USED- Remington, 03/A3, .30-06, Sporter- $700 +Tax

USED- Ruger, No.1, .300WM- $1,100 +Tax

USED- Ted Williams, 153, 12ga- $1,000 +Tax


NEW- Glock, 43X MOS, 9mm- $485 +Tax

USED- IMI, Desert Eagle, .44mag- SOLD


We restocked the Arcane Concerted Arc Bands, they’re a Re-useable Retainer band made to retain slings, wires and anything else you need a rubber band for.

We have them in ODG, FDE and black. 2-Packs are $12.00, and 5-Packs are $24.50..

Post-Malone would want you to buy them!

OPEN MON- FRI 11a-5:30p

Call, Message, or stop by!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

More stuff, and things! 05/09

We got a few more guns in this week!


USED- Savage, 11 Trophy Predator Snow Camo, .22-250, Nikon 3-9- $650 +Tax

NEW- Ruger, SFAR, 7.62/.308 16”- SOLD


NEW- Taurus, Defender 605, .357Mag 3”- $485 +Tax

USED- Ruger, Service Six, .357mag, 2.75” -$650 +Tax

USED- Ruger, 57, 5.7x28- SOLD

USED- Hi Standard, Sentinel MK1, .22lr 9rd- $399 +Tax

USED- S&W, M&P Shield, 9mm, 3-Mags, Holster- SOLD

USED- Springfield Armory, XDS-45, .45acp- 4 Mags, Holster- $300 +Tax


NEW- Aero Precision, X15, Stripped Lower- $90 +Tax


OPEN Mon-Fri 11a-5:30p

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

Lots of new stuff rolling in! 05/03

We got a bunch of new and used Long guns in this week! And some Shot shells.


USED- Marlin, 444S, .444Marlin- SOLD

USED- Czech, K98, 8x57- $600 +Tax

USED- CAI/Egypt, Hakim, 8x57- SOLD

USED- Ruger, M77 Tang Safety, 7RemMag, Leupold Vari-X II 4-12- $1,100 +Tax

USED- Czech, VZ24, .308Win- $450 +Tax

USED- CAI, GP WASR-10/63, 7.62x39- $975 +Tax

USED- Larue, LT-15, 5.56, Surefire Mini light, Aimpoint CompM4s- SOLD

NEW- Howa, 1500 Mini, 6.5 Grendel, Vortex Crossfire II 6-18x44- $600 +Tax

USED- Tikka, T3X, .22-250, Vortex DiamondBack Tactical 4-12x40- SOLD

NEW- Radikal, SA-1, 12ga- $250 +Tax

2x-NEW- CZ, 512, .22WMR- $890 +Tax


25rd- Remington Express XLR 20ga 2-3/4 #7.5 shot -$20

25rd- Federal Game Load 16ga 2-3/4 #6, and #7.5 -$20

Call, Message, Stop by!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

Lots of new guns! Tell your Grandma! 04/25

We got tons of new and used guns in!


USED- S&W, M&P-15 Sport II OR, 5.56/.223, -Soft Case, Magazine Loader, Never Fired- $675 +Tax

USED- Henry, H010CC, .45-70 -Scope, Sling- SOLD

USED- Winchester, Model 70, .375 H&H -Comes with Box of ammo- $1,050 +Tax

NEW- Ruger, M77 Hawkeye African, .300WM- $1,300 +Tax

USED- Stag Arms, Stag-15, 5.56/.223- DSC 24” match Upper, Nikon Scope- SOLD


USED- Colt, MK IV Series 80 Combat Commander Model, .45ACP- SOLD

USED- H&K, 45C, .45ACP- $669 +Tax

USED- Ruger, NM Super BlackHawk Hunter, .44Mag, 7.5” -Scope- $900 +Tax

NEW- S&W, M&P Shield EZ, 9mm -Ammo Can Range bag- $499 +Tax

NEW- S&W, 442-1 Performance Center, 1.875”, .38Spl- $549 +Tax

NEW- Taurus, 605, .357mag, 2”- SOLD

NEW- S&W, M&P Shield EZ, .380acp- Ammo Can Range bag- $450 +Tax

NEW- S&W, 637-2, 1.875”, .38spl - SOLD

NEW- Taurus, 605 Toro, .357Mag, 3”- $425 +Tax

We’re constantly getting more stuff in!

Open Mon-Fri


Call, Message, or stop by!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

Gobble Gobble! 4/21

Spring Turkey Season opens tomorrow! If you’re a last minute shopper like many, we’ve got you covered!


USED- Remington 887, 12ga, 3.5”- $400 +Tax

USED- Mossberg 535, 12ga, 3.5”- $425 +Tax

USED- Mossberg 838, 12ga, 3.5”- $420 +Tax

USED- Benelli Super Nova, 12ga, 3.5”- $500 +Tax

USED- Remington 11-87 SPS-T, 12ga, 3”- Has Turkey Choke- $600 +Tax


-Winchester DOUBLE X 3” 12ga #4, #5-$22 for 10 shells.

-Winchester Long Beard XR 3” 12ga #6- $24 for 10 shells.

-Federal Turkey Thugs 3” 12ga #5- $12 for 10 shells.

-Winchester DOUBLE X 3” 20ga #5- $18 for 10 shells.

-Remington Nitro Turkey 3.5” 12ga #6- $19 for 10 shells.

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

More Guns, ammo, and magazines! 4/19

We got in a bunch of new consignment guns, some Glocks, magazines, and a bit of ammo.


NEW- Glock, 28, .380acp- $499 +Tax (Never sold in the USA until recently)

NEW- Glock, 48 MOS, 9mm- $484 +Tax

USED- CZ, 455, .17hmr- $450 +Tax

USED- Remington, 760, .243win, 2-Mags- $900 +Tax

USED- Remington, 572 Fieldmaster, .22lr- $350 +Tax

USED- Winchester, 94, .32spl, Pre-64- SOLD

USED- Traditiona, Deer Hunter, .50cal- $150 +Tax

USED- Ithaca, 37 Featherweight, 12ga- $450 +Tax

USED- Czech, VZ24, 8x57- $400 +Tax

USED- Remington, 700LH, .270win- $650 + Tax


1,000 Round Case of 124gr Magtech 9mm- $320-Includes Tax (That’s $16 per box)

20rds Winchester Copper Impact, .300Win Short Mag- $59 +Tax


-30rd 5.56 Coyote/FDE Windowed Magpul PMAG- $18 +Tax

-30rd 5.56 Coyote/FDE Magpul PMAG- $14 +Tax

-30rd 5.56 black Duramag- $14 +Tax

-60rd 5.56 PMAG D-60- $128 +Tax

Always getting cool new things in daily!

Open Mon-Fri 11a-5:30p

Call, Message, or stop by!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

Got in some cool new guns and ammunition! 04/11

We got in some cool used guns, some Glock 43X’s, small shipment of ammo, and some powder!


USED- RGuns/Russia, Tula 1895 Nagant revolver, 7.62x38r, mfg 1933, comes w/ Holster, 1,190rds of ammo, and can- $950 +Tax

NEW- Glock, 43X, 9mm- $448 +Tax

USED- Springfield Armory, XDS-9 mod 2, 3.3” comes w/ Case, 6-Mags- $350 +Tax


20rds-Hornady Lever Evolution 30-30 160gr FTX- $33 +Tax

20rds-Federal Power Shok .243win 80gr JSP- $27 +Tax

25rds-PMC Bronze .44mag 180gr JHP- $25 +Tax

50rds-PMC Bronze .38spl 132gr FMJ- $25 +Tax


1#-Hodgdon BL-C(2) Rifle Powder- $40 +Tax (10# Available)

1#-Hodgdon CFE Pistol Powder- $36 +Tax (9# Available)

1#-Hodgdon Long Shot Shotgun/Pistol Powder- $39 +Tax (8# Available)

1#-Hodgdon Hybrid 100V Rifle Powder- $39 +Tax (1# Available)

2x- Federal Fire Stick Charges, 10 pack- $32 +Tax

More stuff arriving daily!

Call, Message, Or stop by!

Open Mon-Fri 11a-5:30p

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

More AR’s showed up! 04/05

We got more AR15’s and an AKM in stock!

NEW- CAI WASR-10, 7.62X39, 16”- $920 +Tax

NEW- Diamond Back, DB-15, 5.56Nato, 16” OD green w/ FDE accent- $850 +Tax

NEW- Colt Mfg, AR-15A4, 5.56Nato, 20”- $1,075 +Tax

NEW- Unbranded AR, UAR-F, .223 Wylde, 16” w/ 12” Rail- $599 +Tax

NEW- Unbranded AR, UAR-F, .223 Wylde, 16” w/ 15” Rail- $599 +Tax

Tons of great stuff coming in every day! Come get these before they’re gone!

Open Mon-Fri 11a-5:30p

Call, Message or stop by!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

Here’s a few small things. 04/04

We got in a some new optics, and a few new firearms!


5x- Holosun HS403B, 2MOA Red Dot sight- $175 +Tax

1x- Holosun HS507K, 2MOA Dot with 32MOA circle, Red dot- SOLD


NEW- Sig Sauer, P365X Macro, 9mm- SOLD

NEW- H&K, 416D, .22LR- SOLD

USED- Diamond Back, DB-10, .308win, 4-Mags, Sling- SOLD

Open Mon-Fri 11a-5:30p

Call, Message, or stop in!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

We got a few Handguns in! 04/03

We got a handful of NEW pistol in!

NEW- Glock, 43X MOS, 9mm, with Shield RMSc Mini Red dot sights- $709.70 +Tax (2 Available)

NEW- Sig Sauer, P320C, .45ACP- $549 +Tax

NEW- Sig Sauer, P320X5 X-Ten, 10mm- $799.99 +Tax

NEW- Springfield Armory, Hellcat Pro OSP, 9mm, Gear Up pack 5-Mags, soft case- SOLD

We’ve got tons of stuff in stock! Come see what we have for you!

Call, Message, or stop in!

Mon-Fri 11a-5:30p

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

Been a while, here are some new firearms we got in! 3/29

We got in some new long guns, and some 7.62x39 ammunition!

USED- Browning, B-80, 12ga- $425 +Tax

USED- American Arms inc, Silver II, 12ga Over/Under, w/ chokes- $400 +Tax

USED- Aero Precision, X-15, 5.56, 18”- SOLD

USED- DSA, STG48 Isreali FAL, 7.62/.308, 3-mags- SOLD

USED- Bark River Precision, BRP-15, 5.56 20”, Harris bipod, Rings- $2,200 +Tax (Has the BRP lower, so it shoots tiny groups.)

NEW- Springfield Armory, M1A Socom 16, 7.62/.308 16”, Case, one-mag- SOLD

We got in a couple thousand rounds of Wolf 7.62x39 for $9.99 +Tax per box of 20.

Call, Message, or stop by! We’ve got tons more in stock!

Open Mon-Fri 11a-5:30p

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

Got in some pretty sought after firearms!

Hey everyone! We got in a bunch of new consignment guns, many of these are pretty sought after and wont be around long!


BNIB- Sig Sauer, 1911 ZOM, .45ACP, Zombie edition- $1,500 +Tax (Brand New, Never Fired)

BNIB- Sig Sauer, P226 Elite, .40S&W- $1,250 +Tax (Brand New, Never Fired)

USED- High Standard, Long Horn, .22lr- $400 +Tax

USED- Haritage, Rough Rider, .22lr- $99 +Tax

USED- Ruger, NM BlackHawk, .357Mag Stainless 6.5”- $800 +Tax

USED- Ruger, NM Super BlackHawk, .44Mag Poly-Choke Rib 7.5”- $700 +Tax

USED- EAA, Bounty Hunter, .45LC 4-7/8”- $500 +Tax

USED- Ruger, Vaquero, .45LC 5.5”- $900 +Tax

USED- Ruger, Vaquero, .40S&W 4-5/8” Stag Grips- $1,200 +Tax

USED- Ruger, Single-Nine, .22WMR 6.5”, Has chipped grip- $600 +Tax

USED- Pietta, 1858, .44cal- $350 +Tax (Black Powder)


USED- Savage B-Mag, .17WSM- $300 +Tax

USED- Savage, 11, .30-06- $400 +Tax

USED- Browning, A-Bolt, .243WSSM- $950 +Tax

USED- Winchester, Mod 70, .7mm WSM- $500 +Tax

USED- Remington, 700 ADL, 7mm Rem Mag- $750 +Tax

USED- Savage, 12 BVSS, .220 Swift- $900 +Tax

USED- CZ, 527, .204Rug- SOLD

USED- Ruger, M77 MK II, .257Rob- $950 +Tax

USED- Swedish, M96, 6.5x55, Sporterized- $350 +Tax

We’re running out of room! Come help us clear some of these out!

Open Mon-Fri 11a-5:30p

Call, Message, Or stop in!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

Got a pile of new consignments in! 03/10

Got a bunch of cool new consignment guns in! Some of these won’t last long!


USED- NEF, Handi-Rifle, .243win-$400 +Tax

USED- Ruger, Mini-30, 7.62x39, 4 mags, 180rds of ammo- $1,150 +Tax

USED- National Ordnance, M1 Carbine, .30 Carbine, 2- Mags, ammo- $800 +Tax

USED- Marlin, 336, .30-30win, Scope- $800 +Tax

USED- Winchester, 1894, .30WCF- Mfg 1902- $1,800 +Tax

USED- Remington, 1100, 12ga 2-3/4”, 2- Barrels, 2- Stock sets- $750 +Tax


USED- Walther PK380, .380acp- $350 +Tax

USED- Ruger, P89th, 9mm-Special Edition- $400 +Tax

USED- Walther, P1, 9mm, Walnut & Original grips, 3 mags, case- $750 +Tax

USED- Smith & Wesson, 360PD, .357Mag- $800 +Tax

USED- Beretta, 8040F, .40S&W, 2-Mags- $650 +Tax

USED- Regent/Tisas, BR9 SS, 9mm, Vortex Venom RDS, 2- Mags, Holster, Case- $725 +Tax (Prices was dropped from $1,300…)

We’re getting new stuff in every day!

Come check the largest selection of firearms in the surrounding area, with over 250 guns in stock!

Open Mon-Fri 11a-5:30p

Call, Message, or Stop on by!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

Got more Ammo, Cases, and a really cool take-down AR-15 in. 03/07

We got in a small shipment of ammunition, and some rifle cases! Along with a really neat QD barrel AR-15 in 5.56, and .300blk!


-Winchester Double X, 20ga 3” #5 Turkey shells 10rd box- $18 +Tax

-Ammo Inc, .357mag 125gr JHP 20rd box- $22 +Tax

-Remington Core-Lokt tipped, 7mm Rem Mag 150gr 20rd box- $45 +Tax

-PMC Bronze, .25ACP 50gr, 50rd box- $28 +Tax

-PMC Bronze, 9mm 124gr, 50rd box- $18 +Tax (1,000rd Case $320 +Tax)

Rifle is a DRD CDR-15 with a 16” barrel in 5.56, along with a 16” barrel in .300Blk, the CDR-15 is a patented quick take down AR-15 rifle that fits into a plano case. Stop on by and we’ll show you how it works!




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