Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

Been busy! Here’s a post! Guns & Ammo! 12/06

We’ve gotten in more guns and ammo than I can post, but here’s some of the highlights and recent stuff!


USED- RockIsland, M1911-A1, .45acp- $400 +Tax

USED- Ruger, LCR, .357Mag- $550 +Tax

USED- DWM, P.08 Luger, 9mm- Commercial Model approx 1922, Non-Matching, 2-Mags- $1,500 +Tax


USED- PSA, PA-15, 5.56- $700 +Tax

2-NEW- Ruger, American Hunter, 6.5CM-$735 +Tax (Won’t find it any cheaper Mod# 26998)

USED- Winchester, 1894, .30WCF-Receiver is 1907, with a Replacement barrel- $750 +Tax

USED- Winchester, 1894, .32WS, Half Round Half Octagon barrel, re-blued- $1,200 +Tax

USED- Marlin, 1893, .30-30- $475 +Tax

USED- Bushmaster, XM15-E2S, 5.56- $950 +Tax

USED- Mossberg, 590, 12ga, w/ Flashlight, Side Saddle, and Fiber Optic Sights- $650 +Tax


20rd- Hornady, 6.5 Grendel, 123gr SST- $29 +Tax

20rd- Remington, .444 Marlin, 240gr SP CoreLokt- $59 +Tax

20Rd- S&B, .303Brit, 150gr SP- $29 +Tax

20rd- PPU, .303Brit, 174gr FMJBT- $27 +Tax

25rd- Federal, 20ga 2-3/4”, #6 Steel- $15 +Tax

25rd- Federal, 20ga 2-3/4”, #7.5- $11 +Tax

Getting stuff in daily that doesn’t always get posted! Stop by often to be sure you can get these deals!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

AMMO CANS!! 11/15

We got in 750 European contract .30 Cal ammo cans from various years!

M84MK1- .30cal Ammo cans- $11 +Tax

Get an ammo can FREE when you purchase a case of ammunition!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

More guns! Brand new Glock 49! 11/14

We got more cool guns in, including the Brand new Glock 49 9mm, it’s a Glock 19 Frame with a 17 length slide. Come check em out!


USED- CAI, AK Pistol, 7.62x39, Had mags, and Brace- $800 +Tax

USED- Glock, 19 Gen 5, 9mm- $499 +Tax (NOT PICTURED)

NEW- Glock, 49 MOS, 9mm- $620 +Tax

NEW- Glock, 43X, 9mm- $448 +Tax

NEW- Glock, 48, 9mm- $448 +Tax


USED- GTO, Core 15, .223Rem, w/ Nikon Scope- $1,000 +Tax

USED- CAI/French, MAS 36/51, 7.5French- $750 +Tax

USED- Remington, 03-A3, .30-06- SOLD

USED- Coast to Coast, CC660 Master Mag, 12ga 3” 60th Anniversary- $400 +Tax

USED- Remington, 700ADL, .30-06, w/ ammo and scope- $760 +Tax

USED- Savage, 170, .30-30Win Pump- $600 +Tax

We’ve got piles of guns, and ammunition in stock for hunting season! Just got in a bunch more rifle scopes as well!

Come see us!!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

Few more guns arrived! 11/09

We got in some more AR-15’s, couple Sporter surplus rifles and some Pistol Caliber Lever guns!

USED- Marlin, 1894S, .44Mag, comes with 3-9 scope and ammo- $1,060 +Tax

USED- Marlin, 1894 Carbine, .357Mag -SOLD

USED- LongBranch, No4 MK1* (F) FTR/49, .303Brit- $325 +Tax

USED- Chilean, 1895 Mauser, 7x57- $325 +Tax

USED- Anderson mfg, AM-15, 5.56, comes with RDS, 5-Mags- SOLD

NEW- Colt, LE6920 Trooper, 5.56- $1,115 +Tax

USED- DiamondBack, DB15, .300Blk- $600 +Tax

We have hunting and target Ammunition available for all of these guns! Come see us!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

Too much stuff to list! 11/02

We got in way more guns than I have time to list and price!

Tons of cool surplus guns, older shotguns and nice pistols! Message us with any questions or for price!

20rd- S&B 150gr, .303British Soft Point -$29 +Tax

Call, Message, or stop by!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

Ammo & more! 10/16

Got a bunch of ammo in, a few new guns, and some accessories!


200rd- Winchester, 5.56x45 62gr M855 Green Tip- $150 +Tax

50rd- Magtech, .40S&W, 180gr FMJ- $23 +Tax

25rd- Federal, 28ga, #7.5- $17.50 +Tax

20rd- PMC, 5.56x45 55gr M193- $11 +Tax

20rd- Hornady, American Whitetail, .30-06, 180gr- $27 +Tax

20rd- Hornady, American Whitetail, .30-06, 150gr- $27 +Tax

50rd- Hornady, Varmint Express, .17HMR, 20gr- $17 +Tax

20rd- Remington, Core-Lokt 7MM Rem Mag, 175gr- $39 +Tax

20rd- Hornady, American Whitetail, 7MM Rem Mag, 154gr- $35 +Tax


NEW- Springfield Armory, SA-35, 9mm- $700 +Tax

NEW- Steven’s, 334, 6.5CreedMoor- SOLD


We got in some Cleaning Brushes, AR15 Oops! Kits, BCM Buffer Tube kits, Magpul K2 grips in FDE and trigger guards.

We have tons of stuff in stock! Come see us!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

Guns & More! 10/10

We keep getting more guns in! And some plastic ammo cans

USED- Tikka, T3, .30-06, Zeiss 3-9 Scope- SOLD

USED- Ruger, 10/22, .22lr, w/ scope- SOLD

USED- Charles Daly, Pump, 12ga- $200 +Tax

USED- Norinco, SKS, 7.62x39- $500 +Tax

USED- Springfield Armory, M1A NM Precision adj, .308win, w/ scope mount- $1,800 +Tax

USED- Zastava, ZPap M70, 7.62x39, 6-Mag- SOLD

NEW- (Ruger Made) Marlin, 1894, .44Mag- SOLD

Plano Ammo cans are $11 +Tax

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

Guns & Ammo! 09/25

We got in more long guns, and some ammunition!


USED- SILE, O/U, 12ga- $500 +Tax

USED- Winchester, 94, .32WS, Pre-64- $600 +Tax

USED- Weatherby, Vanguard Deluxe, .270WbyMag, w/ Scope and Ammo- $1,100 +Tax

USED- Remington, 870 Super Mag, 12ga 3.5”- $400 +Tax

USED- Browning, A-Bolt, .30-06, w/Scope- $700 +Tax

USED- Remington, 1100-LT-20, 20ga- $900 +Tax

USED- Savage, 93R17, .17HMR, 2-Mags, ammo- $220 +Tax

USED- Baikal, IZH-27EM-11C, 20ga O/U- $500 +Tax

USED- Tikka, T3, .300WSM, w/scope and ammo- $880 +Tax

USED- Browning, BAR, .300Win Mag, 3-Mags, Scope, sling- $900 +Tax


25rd- Winchester, #7.5, 2.5” .410ga- $20 +Tax

25rd- Remington, #4, 3” .410ga- $20 +Tax

20rd- CCI/Speer, Gold Dot, 100gr .327Fed- $26 +Tax

72rd- Polish, 7.62x25 Tokarev, Corrosive- $45 +Tax

20rd- PPU, 7.62x54r 182gr, FMJ- $17 +Tax

20rd- Hornady, Vintage Match, 7.62x54r, 174gr BTHP- $30 +Tax

20rd- Hornady, American whitetail, .300WM, 150gr Interlock- $33 +Tax

We’re constantly getting things in, a lot of stuff doesn’t get posted! Come in to catch deals, and see what’s new!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

More guns that I don’t have room for! 09/18

We got more guns in! I’m out of room for the guns I have, so come buy some!


USED- Mossberg, 500A, 12ga, Pachmayr Pistol Grip and pump- $275 +Tax

USED- Winchester, 1897, 12ga- $800 +Tax

USED- Remington, 700 SPS, .308win, Vortex Diamondback 3.5-10- $890 +Tax

USED- Savage, 775, 12ga- $200 +Tax

USED- Ruger, No.1, 7x57, Leupold Vari-X II 6-18- $1,300 +Tax


USED- Ruger, P94, .40s&w- $300 +Tax

USED- Ruger, Wrangler, .22lr- $150 +Tax

USED- S&W, SD40VE, .40s&w- $300 +Tax

USED- Walther, CCP, 9mm w/Laser- $350 +Tax

Swing in and see what we have!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

Some cool stuff! 09/14

More cool guns!

USED- Winchester, 61, .22lr- $500 +Tax

USED- Winchester, 12, 12ga 3” w/ Poly choke- $500 +Tax

USED- Iver Johnson, M1 Carbine, .30Carb, w/ Mags & ammo- $750 +Tax

USED- Arsenal, SAM-7SF, 7.62x39, appears Unfired- $1,500 +Tax

USED- Norinco, NHM-90, 7.62x39- $1,200 +Tax

USED- CAI/MKE, AP5, 9mm w/ case & Optic- $1,050 +Tax

Swing in! Stuff is constantly coming in!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

Long over-due post! 09/13

We’ve gotten in dozens of guns in the last few weeks. This is just a taste! You need to come in and see what we have!


USED- Marlin, 336, .30-30 w/ Leupold Vari-X II 2-7- $800 +Tax

USED- Remington, 14, .35Rem, w/ Case- $750 +Tax

USED- Remington, 8, .35Rem- $700 +Tax

USED- Ruger, Mini-30, 7.62x39- $750 -+Tax

USED- Ruger, Ninety-Six, .44Mag, w/ammo -$1,000 +Tax

USED- Radical Firearms, RF-15, .350Legend, w/Leupold VX-Freedom 3-9, has ammo- $700 +Tax


All shotguns come with a FREE box of shells this week! (Yes, even the .410)

USED- Steven’s, 320, 12ga 3”- $175 +Tax

USED- Winchester, 42, .410, 1951mfg- $1,350 +Tax

USED- Steven’s, 311, 12ga SXS- $400 +Tax

USED- Weatherby, Orion, 20ga O/U- $900 +Tax

USED- Remington, 870 Express Mag, 12ga- $350 +Tax

We have tons in stock! Come see what we have that you NEED!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

A long lost post! LOTS of good stuff in! 08/14

We got in a lot more cool stuff, and more constantly showing up, some doesn’t even make it to the blog before it’s bought. Gotta stop in to catch all the things!


USED- Glock, 26 Gen 4, 9mm- $399 +Tax
USED- Glock, 19X Gen 5, 9mm- $500 +Tax
USED- Smith & Wesson, 317-3 Kit Gun, .22lr 8-shot, 3”- $575 +Tax
USED- PSA, PA-15 Complete Lower, Multi- $125 +Tax
USED- Mossberg, 590 Shockwave, 12ga- SOLD


USED- Browning, BPS-10, 10ga 3.5”- $650 +Tax
USED- Keltec, SU-16C, 5.56, w/ RDS and 1-Mag- $525 +Tax
USED- Savage, Axis, 6.5 CreedMoor, w/Scope- $350 +Tax
USED/NF- PSA, PA-15, 5.56, 16” barrel, NEVER FIRED- $490 +Tax
USED/NF- PSA, PA-15, 5.56, 20” barrel, NEVER FIRED- $750 +Tax
USED/NF- Keltec, Sub2k, 9mm, Glock 17 mags, NEVER FIRED- $450 +Tax
USED- Keltec, Sub2k, 9mm, Glock 17 mags, Fore grip, Extended Charging handle, 2-33rd Glock mags- $400 +Tax
NEW- Standard Manufacturing, STD-15, 5.56- $650 +Tax
Del-Ton, DTI-15 Echo 316L, 5.56- $450 +Tax
NEW- Weatherby, Vanguard Sporter 2, .300WinMag- $689 +Tax

We had to build a new gun rack because of the amount of guns we’ve been getting in! And we’ve already filled it up! Come see what else we have!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

More “new” used guns in! 08/03

We got in some more “new” used guns!
And we lowered the price on our 9mm FMJ!


USED- CZ, 75 (Pre-B), 9mm, 2-mags, soft case- $699 +Tax
USED- Browning, Buckmark Black Label, .22lr, 2-mags, soft case- $500 +Tax
USED- Bond Arms, Snake Slayer, .45lc/.410 3”, 3.5”, Holster- $450 +Tax


USED- Khan, Artemis Supreme Model 12, 12ga 3”- $299 +Tax
USED- Henry, US Survival Rifle, .22lr, 3-mags- $250 +Tax
USED- GSG, GSG 5, .22lr, 3-mags- $350 +Tax
USED- CZ, 455, .17hmr/.22lr, Nikon Scope- $800 +Tax

We lowered our price on our FMJ 9mm to $16.50 per box, we will continue to try and keep ammo prices as low as we can!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

Got some more rifles, Optics, and 7.62x39! 07/31

We got in some more consignment rifles, NEW guns, a bunch of Red Dots, and a PILE of 7.62x39 ammo.

20rd- TULAMMO, 122gr Steel Case, 7.62x39 - $11 +Tax


-Holosun, HS403R, Red Dot- $175 +Tax

-Holosun, HE403C-GR, Green Dot, Solar- $210 +Tax

-Holosun, HE508T-RD, Red Dot, Solar- $369.99 +Tax

-Holosun, HS407C, Red Dot, Solar- $244.99 +Tax

-Holosun, AEMS CORE, Red Dot, - $299.99 +Tax

-Holosun, 509T-RD, Red Dot, - $429.99 +Tax


USED- Ruger, No. 1, .223Rem, has rings- $1,350 +Tax

USED- Savage, 110E, .270Win, Bushnell Scope- $375 +Tax

USED- Remington, 788, .308win, Leupold Scope- $600 +Tax

USED- Browning, BAR, .308Win, Redfield Scope- $950 +Tax

USED- Charles Daly, field Hunter, 20ga- $300 +Tax

USED- Remington, 1100 Magnum, 12ga 3”- $700 +Tax

USED- Wards Westernfield, M550C, 20ga- $200 +Tax

USED- Steven’s, 58, 12ga- $200 +Tax


NEW- S&W, M&P22 Magnum, .22WMR- $599.99 +Tax (2- Available!)

NEW- Springfield Armory, 2020 Rimfire, .22lr- Takes 10/22 mags- $475 + Tax


USED- Kimber, K6S, .357Mag 3”- $700 +Tax

Constantly getting more things in! Come check them out!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

We got more firearms and shotgun shells in! And some price drops 07/26

We got more stuff in this week! And we’re dropping the price on some guns!


25rd- Federal 12ga 2-3/4, Game Load Heavy field, #6, #7.5, #8- $13 +Tax
25rd- Federal 12ga 2-3/4, Game Load, #6, #7.5, #8- $11 +Tax
25rd- Federal 12ga 2-3/4, Upland Steel, #6- $14 +Tax
25rd- Winchester 12ga 2-3/4, AA, #8- $13 +Tax
25rd- Magtech, 12ga 2-3/4, 1oz Slug- $26 +Tax


USED- Norinco, Type-56 SKS, 7.62x39- $475 +Tax

USED- Remington, Model 10, 12ga- $299 +Tax

USED- Howa, 1500, .300WinMag, Salmon River Solutions Hunters Rail, Timney trigger, HS Precision Stock- $600 +Tax

USED- BSA, O/U, 12ga 26”- $500 +Tax

USED- Remington, 700 BDL, .300WinMag, Redfield Accu-trac 3-9, muzzle brake, sling- $950 +Tax


NEW- Ruger, 10/22 Charger Pistol Take-down, .22lr, Soft case -$499 +Tax (Was $599)

NEW- S&W, M&P 9 2.0 Compact, 9mm, Suppressor sights, threaded barrel- $485 +Tax (Was $530)
USED- Heritage, Rough Rider, .22lr/.22WMR, 6.5”- $175 +Tax
USED- Glock, 23g4, .40S&W, 1-Mag-Police Trade in- $389 +Tax
USED- H&R, 622, .22lr- $160 +Tax

Tons of stuff arriving daily!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

Got some new Pistols and Long guns in! 07/21

Got some New and Used guns in this week!

Hand Guns:

NEW- Springfield Armory, XDS Elite, 3.8” 9mm 5-Magazines- $450 +Tax

NEW NEW- Springfield Armory, Echelon, 9mm- $699.99 +Tax (Newest release from Springfield, Modular like Sig P320’s)

NEW- Springfield Armory, Prodigy 1911DS, 4.25” 9mm- $1,400 +Tax

Long Guns:

USED- Remington, 700 SPS, 26” Bull Barrel .308Win- $650 +Tax

USED- Mossberg, Patriot, .308Win, Stock pouch, Bulgarian 3-piece Muzzle Device(Never Fired)- $600 +Tax

USED- Mossberg, Patriot, .308Win, Scope(Never Fired)- $400 +Tax

We also got in some Large Rifle primers too!

We have tons of ammo and comes coming in all of the time! Stop in to check them out!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

BRAND NEW Smith & Wesson .22WMR! 07/12

We just got in two brand new Smith & Wesson .22WMR pistols that were just announced this week! They’re optics ready, and hold 30 Rounds!

-$599 +Tax

We also got some other stuff!

NEW- Springfield Armory, Hellcat Pro OSP, 9mm Gear Up package, 5-mags, soft case- $599 +Tax

NEW- Ruger, MKIV Tactical, .22Lr Threaded barrel- $575 +Tax

NEW- Ruger, MKIV Hunter, .22lr 5.5” Talo Exclusive- $575 +Tax

Swing in!

Some of these won’t last long!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

Few new things rolled in! 07/12

More cool guns came in!


USED- S&W, 500, .500S&W Mag 4”, Bear Paw Limited edition, 31 rounds, Holster- $1,350 +Tax

NEW- Sig Sauer, P365XL Comp Rose, 9mm, Vaultek lock box, Special Edition- $899.99 +Tax

USED- Sig Sauer, P938, 9mm, Holster, CTC laser- $600 +Tax

USED- Ruger, SR40, .40S&W, 2-Holsters, 322rds- $499 +Tax


USED- Norinco, Type-56 SKS, 7.62x39- $450 +Tax

USED- Hawthorne, M150B, .410ga- $99 +Tax

USED- Weatherby, Element, 20ga w/ Chokes- $489 +Tax

We have TONS of stuff in stock, and more coming in Al the time!

Call, Message, or stop by!

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

We got in a bunch of guns! And piles of powder! 07/06

Hope everyone had a fun and safe 4th of July! 🇺🇸 We got in bunch of guns and Powder!


USED- Mossberg, 500AG, 12ga 3”, 28”- $250 +Tax

USED- Savage/Westpoint, Model 842, .30-30win, scope & mount- $450 +Tax

USED- Savage/Steven’s, 325-A, .30-30win- $300 +Tax

USED- Marlin, Model 90 M1, .22lr- $325

USED- Ruger, 10/22 Carbon Fiber, .22lr, scope, thumbhole stock, Factory Carbon fiber barrel- $600 +Tax

USED- Remington, 572 Fieldmaster, .22lr, Scope- $400 +Tax

USED- Remington, 572 Fieldmaster, .22lr, small crack in forend- $350 +Tax

USED- Marlin, Model 30, 16ga, (May be unsafe to shoot some modern ammo)- $400 +Tax

USED- Marlin, 336, .30-30win, scope, JM Stamped- $800 +Tax

USED- Rossi, SA20, 20ga- $200 + Tax

USED- Thompson/Center, Hawken, .50cal Muzzle Loader- $250 +Tax


NEW- Taurus, M44 SS, .44mag, 4”- $675 +Tax

NEW- Taurus, M605 SS, .357mag, 3”- $400 +Tax

NEW- Springfield Armory, Prodigy DS2011, 9mm, 4.25”- $1,400 +Tax

USED- Kimber, Micro 9, 9mm- $550 +Tax


1# Cans: Hodgdon TightGroup- $33, Hodgdon SuperFormance- $39, IMR4198-$49, Hodgdon LeverEvolution- $42, Hodgdon CFE223- $39

1k count Winchester Large Pistol Primers- $95 +Tax

4# Jug: Hodgdon TightGroup- $130

8# Jug: IMR3031- $345, SBR-Socom- $245

We have TONS of powder in stock, and a lot of Small Pistol and Rifle primers.

Call, message, or stop by!

Open Mon-Fri 11a-5:30p

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Tommy Westman Tommy Westman

We got some nice high end shotguns and rifles in! 06/30

We got in some really nice shotguns, and rifles!


USED- Benelli, Super Sport, 20ga 3” 28” bbl- $2,000 +Tax

USED- Beretta, AL 391 Teknys, 12ga 3” 30” bbl- $1,800 +Tax

USED- Browning, Cynergy Euro Sporting, 12ga 3” 30” bbls (OG box, and custom case, chokes)- $3,800 +Tax

USED- Browning, Cynergy Sporting, 12ga 3” 30” bbls (OG box, Custom case)- $2,800 +Tax


USED- Remington, 770 SS, .300WM, 24” bbl (2-boxes of ammo, camo aluminum case)- $680 +Tax

USED- Marlin, 1895SS, .45-70gov, 22” bbl (JM stamped, Cross bolt safety very clean)- $1,100 +Tax

USED- Colt-Sauer, Grand Alaskan sporting rifle, .375H&H, 24” (Leupold Vari-X II 2x7)- $5,000 +Tax

We have tons of stuff in stock, and can order anything else you’re looking for!

Call, Message or stop on by!

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